How to Take the Stress Out of Writing your wedding vows

Man writing on paper while bride is outside cabin

While writing your own vows can be a great way to personalize the experience of your wedding it can also feel overwhelming if you approach it without a plan. Below, I’ve provided some tips to help you write your vows in a meaningful way while also keeping the stress to a minimum.

  1. Reflect on your relationship - Take a moment to think about your relationship and what it means to you. What stands out about your partner? What makes you proud of them? What are some things that make your partnership unique? We are all different and bring different things to the table. Vows are an opportunity to bring those unique qualities to the surface and give them their time in the spotlight.

  2. Decide on the tone - Think about the tone you want to set for your vows. Do you want them to be serious and romantic or funny and lighthearted? Setting the tone early on can help you flesh out exactly what you’re trying to say and keep everything consistent.

  3. Consider the length - Decide on the length of your vows. While there’s no hard and fast rules regarding the length you want them to be manageable. A good practice is to aim for one to three minutes each.

  4. Brainstorm ideas - Make a list of the things you want to say. You might want to talk about your specific story together, the promises you want to make to each other or the qualities that make your partner “Perfect” for you. Whatever they are, get them down on paper to help you map out the final version.

  5. Start writing - Use your brainstorming list to create a draft. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither were the best vows. Try to stay true to yourself and what you want to say.

  6. Edit and refine - Once you’ve written your draft, take some time to edit and refine. Make sure they flow well and that they accurately express what you’re trying to say to your special someone. Make sure your voice is clearly heard in the language you’re using.

  7. Practice - Practice reciting your vows aloud so that you feel comfortable and confident delivering them when the moment arrives. If something doesn’t sound like you - change it up or take it out. There’s no right or wrong if it’s real to the two of you.

So, what have we learned. Writing your vows can be difficult and shouldn’t be left to the last minute. Remember that all weddings are unique just as all relationships are unique. Follow your own path and feel whatever you need to feel. The ceremony is a big moment and you owe it to yourself to live it in whatever way is right for you.


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