Why Engagement Sessions are so Great!

Engaged couple with dog, holding hands

Engagement sessions are incredibly helpful for a number of reasons which I will go into below. While the months leading up to your wedding are probably already hectic with all the choices, schedules and diy seating charts, an engagement session can actually help to calm your nerves and remind you of the light at the end of the tunnel.

To start off, booking an engagement session gives you the opportunity to practice being in front of the camera. While not all of my couples decide to have an engagement session I am always happy when they do. For some people, they may have never really experienced photography outside of their school pictures. Having this time to spend with your photographer and get a sense of how the three of you work together can do so much for the worries building up inside your head.

Second, an engagement session gives us time to get to know each other more and grow that trust. I know I do a lot to try and learn about my couples. From questionnaires and phone conversations to chatting over ridiculous things that have nothing to do with weddings I want to know who you are and what you’re about. An engagement session just makes it that much deeper. We get to experience each other in a similar way as we would on the wedding day only without the pressure. And while I’m sure you’ll already love me from our initial consultation (haha) seeing me engage with you, offer direction for different looks and use silly prompts to reveal real emotion from the two of you will only make you trust me that much more when we’re doing this on your big day.

Lastly, an engagement session gives you an opportunity to lose yourselves in one another. With everything that calls for your attention leading up to the big day it’s a safe bet the two of you haven’t been fully in the moment for a while. Taking an hour or two out of your schedule to plan a fun day all about the two of you is a pretty meaningful thing. After all, you decided to get married because you were crazy about each other, right? You don’t want to lose sight of that just because the wedding is coming up. Live in the now, it’s okay, all that other stuff will still be there tomorrow. Celebrate where the two of you currently are, that new chapter will come soon enough.

For some helpful tips to get the most from your engagement session check out my complimentary guide here: https://www.quietglimpsephotography.com/engagementsession.

Engaged couple embracing each other
Man whispering something to his fiance while sitting in nature
Engaged couple in embrace with mountains in the background
Engaged couple on mountaintop
Man giving his fiance a piggy back ride
Engaged couple being silly with each other
Engaged couple sitting on rocks
Engaged couple in embrace

Selmah & Stephen in Marshfield, Massachusetts


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